Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thai me up!

So, The ticket has been bought - I am off to a rock climbing adventure in Thailand for the majority of May!

I can't wait for the thrill of climbing in Krabi - but, I'm also looking forward to all the wonderful food. Be prepared for a onslaught of tasty Thai treats upon my return...

Rest, Kurt, rest.

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 1922 - 2007

Vonnegut was the first writer to really inspire me – During my teenage years, his words were things to savagely devour. As I grew older, they became like old friends to revisit time and time again. I am saddened by his passing. So it goes.

This is the final line of my favorite book Cat’s Cradle.

If I were a younger man, I would write a history of human stupidity; and I would climb to the top of Mount McCabe and lie down on my back with my history for a pillow; and I would take from the ground some of the blue-white poison that makes statues of men; and I would make a statue of myself, lying on my back, grinning horribly, and thumbing my nose at You Know Who.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Minty Mind Muddler

This is my absolute favorite drink
I've been grooving on this little invention for a while now - order it by name and a bar tender will have no idea what you are talking about - It's really a home brewed Merry Baker concoction inspired by my hatred of Rum and my love of Moscow Mules and Mojitos. The secret to this drink is a good Ginger Beer (ginger ale is a distant cousin twice removed to the spicy punch of actual ginger beer). To find good ginger beer - try a Brazilian or Jamaican grocery. If you live in a tamer local with out an exotic bodega on every corner - try your local Trader Joes - they have a good representation of the sweet drink with a kick.

Lime wedges
Simple Syrup
Ginger Beer

Muddle mint with lime wedges and simple syrup
Add Vodka to your tolerance level (enough for a dreamy blur of the eyes and rosy blush in the cheeks!)
Shake with crushed ice and ample ginger beer
Serve in iced tall glass and garnish with fresh mint

Food Glorious Food

This is all a bit delayed – but, I was never good at turning my homework on time. Here are my answers to the Apron Swap's Meme.
I’ve omitted the questions that were “mini” specific – again, with the kicking and the dead horse and the kicking…

1. What is your first food memory? I swear that I remember this moment to this day because every now and then I still get the gnawing want to stuff every inch of my face with certain food. Apparently when I was 2 ½ I was so excited eating my peas that I stuffed as many as a could into my nose – my dad, the white knight that he is, came to my rescue when I learned the important lesson that you can stuff your nose or your mouth, but not both. Dad turned me on my side and transformed me into a mini pea BB gun by blowing into my mouth – within seconds the little green suckers were shooting out my nose. What a Kodak moment.

2. What was your favorite dish/food as a child? Grilled Cheese and Alphabet Soup or Hot and Sour Soup and Fried Pot stickers with a side jellyfish salad - the first is what I would get if I was sick at home the second is what my family would eat if it was really really cold (as cold as it can get in Hawaii or southern California) and we were too lazy to cook. We would always go to a restaurant where a Huuuuuuggggeee bowl of soup would be brought out for the family and plate after plate of potstickers. My little brother and I would douse both with white vinegar to really give it a sharp satisfying bite.

6. What is your favorite food memory? Croatia 2004 – one of the most amazing meals of my life – Maybe it was sitting outside under a beautiful arbor – drinking amazing wine as the setting sky turned a startling pink. Starting with pear brandy and home cured proscuitto, savory bites of cheese and roasted potatoes, the most amazing arrangement of seafood, roasted lamb – why is it always the simplest things in life that turn out to be the most wonderful.

8. Name one thing you absolutely love to make and eat when you are feeling like a kid again: Grilled Cheese Sandwiches – gooey buttery time travel

9. Name something you ate as a kid that you now look back on and wonder "what were my childhood taste buds thinking??" : Nothing comes to mind. I know there was a time where I was really into drinking pickle juice, but I might drink that now given an opportunity, maybe with a shot of vodka and a twist of lemon.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sneak Peek

Inspired by Eeps' recent Apron Swap - I signed up for the latest Apron Swap without reading the "small" print. Turns out that this time around - the aprons were geared towards the mini bunch... and of course, this Mary is miniless.

Seems like everyone and their mother has been trying to make this obvious as of late - I was "thiiiissss" close to renting a Cambodian and Nigerian baby ala Angelina Jolie for my High School Reunion Family Picnic (Keep in mind this was our 10 year - and people actually showed up with up to 5 kids in tow!)

Anywho... back to the apron swap - I thought I would make the best of this opportunity to be crafty and use it as good inspiration to break out the ol' sewing machine. Today's wintery weather seemed like the perfect kick in the tushy to stay in and make my first attempt at sewing since at least 1995... The actual exchange doesn't happen for several more weeks, but, I had to show off the the goods of the day. P.S. I'm very proud of the pocket detailing.

Monday, February 05, 2007


I know the saying is, "keep your friends close, but your enemies closest" – but, I generally go by the old adage, "keep your friends close, and your old friends closest … because they know way too much." This has generally served me well - until now... Eeps wants me to share the dish on my wayward habits. You are all welcome to suggest medications appropriate for the below behaviors at your leisure.

Six Weird Things About You

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I am adverse to the number four – I never buy anything in groups of four or things that have the #4 on them – I will buy a pack of gum if my grocery total includes sets of fours – or, I will make a butcher add another steak if the total is 3.44 pounds – To make matters even more complicated - I also avoid numbers that add up to four.

2. I cover my thumbs when ambulances drive by.

3. I knock on wood- I will also force other people to knock on wood if they have in one way or another said something that might spite the gods to strike in the vicinity that I would also be hit by a bolt of lightning.

4. I am a flower snob. I hold a great stigma against red roses (I think they lack imagination). I have a history of scaring boys into not buying me flowers. Some might think this is ungracious. I wouldn’t disagree with them. I also hate carnations and baby’s breath – basically anything that is omnipresent in supermarket bouquets.

5. I can read and write upside down very well. At one time, I thought this alone would make me a very good CIA agent.

6. I can’t drink milk – it’s not that I’m allergic to it – I just cannot take a swig of the stuff without feeling queasy. When I was but a wee tyke, my older cousins told me that milk was cow pee – I have spent my life since not being able to drink the stuff. Yeah for osteoporosis!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Let it Ride!

The gallery closed for an unprecedented two days this past weekend for a retreat to a far off land - The Indian Reservation Casino of Connecticut, Mohegan Sun – Nothing but class, I tell you! The idea was to relax in a spa environment and later after indulging on a satisfying meal; we would pay our restitutions to the Native Americans through the playing of roulette and slots.

After finding the inner chain smoking, blue haired granny in me at the $1 slots, I had a brilliant idea - Finally, the answer to what to do with the yolks left over from the making my mad macaroons – Crème Brulee! Something as delish and (nearly) easy as the macaroons. When I got home - I scoured my recipe for the perfect concoction to share and found this Cardamom infused inspiration. The ice-cold custard with the crackling sugar top is sure to please the time and taste conscientious. Enjoy!

Let it ride on 3! Cardamom Crème Brulee

6 large egg yolks, beaten
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 cups heavy cream
1 teaspoon freshly ground cardamom
1/2 cup light brown sugar

1. Preheat oven to 325°.
2. In a large heat-proof mixing bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar.
3. Place the cream in a heavy bottomed saucepan over medium heat. Warm just until little bubbles form around the edge. Remove from the heat and, whisking constantly, pour into the egg and sugar mixture. Add the cardamom and continue whisking until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is well combined.
4. Pour the mixture through a very fine sieve into 4 crème brûlée dishes, filling them only half full. Place the dishes into a shallow baking dish large enough to hold them without crowding. Place the dish on the middle rack of oven. Working quickly to preserve the heat, finish filling the dishes with the custard mixture, making sure that it comes right to the top of each dish. Then carefully fill the baking dish with very hot tap water so it comes halfway up the sides of the filled dishes. Bake for about 25 minutes, or until the custard is set in the center.
5. Remove the custards to a wire rack to cool. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours, or until ready to use.
6. When ready to serve, preheat the broiler.
7. Pass the brown sugar through a fine sieve to eliminate all lumps. Generously sprinkle the top of each chilled custard with an equal portion of the brown sugar, taking care to cover all of the custard, so that it gives an even finish. Place the chilled crème brûlée dishes under the preheated broiler and broil for about 2 minutes, or until the tops are crackling brown. Remove from the broiler and serve immediately.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Macaroon Madness

What better way to start a new year, or a new blog, than with the ultimate recipe?!? I've been pushing this recipe on friends since discovering the delight of making these coconut cookie concoctions.

It's possibly the easiest and tastiest way to find your way to a sweet baker high (much like Sweet Valley High, but without all the drama and peroxide)- I made it today for the significant-other-inlaws (a double recipe) and there remain but a few crumbs- after the chocolate coma of the holidays, I opted to leave out my favorite final detail of drizzeling melted chocolate.

Coconut Macaroons

Makes 16
2 egg whites
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups shredded sweetened coconut
1. Set the oven at 325 degrees. Line 2 cookie sheets with waxed paper.
2. In an electric mixer, beat the egg whites, salt, and cream of tartar until soft peaks form.
3. Add the vanilla and sugar. Continue beating until stiff.
4. Remove the bowl from the mixer stand. With a large rubber spatula, fold in the coconut.
5. With a soup spoon, drop the macaroons in 1 1/2-inch balls, about 1 inch apart.
6. Bake the cookies for 25 minutes. Cool on the sheets.