Monday, February 05, 2007


I know the saying is, "keep your friends close, but your enemies closest" – but, I generally go by the old adage, "keep your friends close, and your old friends closest … because they know way too much." This has generally served me well - until now... Eeps wants me to share the dish on my wayward habits. You are all welcome to suggest medications appropriate for the below behaviors at your leisure.

Six Weird Things About You

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about you. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I am adverse to the number four – I never buy anything in groups of four or things that have the #4 on them – I will buy a pack of gum if my grocery total includes sets of fours – or, I will make a butcher add another steak if the total is 3.44 pounds – To make matters even more complicated - I also avoid numbers that add up to four.

2. I cover my thumbs when ambulances drive by.

3. I knock on wood- I will also force other people to knock on wood if they have in one way or another said something that might spite the gods to strike in the vicinity that I would also be hit by a bolt of lightning.

4. I am a flower snob. I hold a great stigma against red roses (I think they lack imagination). I have a history of scaring boys into not buying me flowers. Some might think this is ungracious. I wouldn’t disagree with them. I also hate carnations and baby’s breath – basically anything that is omnipresent in supermarket bouquets.

5. I can read and write upside down very well. At one time, I thought this alone would make me a very good CIA agent.

6. I can’t drink milk – it’s not that I’m allergic to it – I just cannot take a swig of the stuff without feeling queasy. When I was but a wee tyke, my older cousins told me that milk was cow pee – I have spent my life since not being able to drink the stuff. Yeah for osteoporosis!